Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nardwuar vs Janelle Monae

So I guess Nita, Linds and I grew up living just blocks away from Nardwuar the Human Serviette in West Vancouver. Who knew!? The strange part is, Calvin became obsessed with Nardwuar all on his own accord. Than Andrew became obsessed. Nardwuar is really unbelievable and awesome. Calvin showed me this interview he does with Janelle Monae and I love it! She is so polished and he is so good at what he does!

In other news, the Armstrongs are just about to drive to California. I'm so excited to hear about how the boys like Disneyland...


  1. that janelle is such a jokester! i like the word kansanian

  2. I forgot about nardwuar! the best ones were the ones where he spoke with people that you could tell thought he was really annoying, but they just couldn't get away from him. haha

  3. oh and i really like that picture up top!
