Friday the 13th, Gus brought a long stemmed red rose and some Vday cookies to his babysitter, Eden:) Calvin and I went to the Broadway Cinema downtown and saw a French film starring Marion Cotillard. It was a good night out for us.
Saturday, the 14, Gus and I went to his tots swim class! He loves the pool after the initial shock of getting in wears off! His little chin was shivering by the end but it was pretty cute! Here he is after swimming with his birth class buddies, Jack and Lincoln.
We came home, Gus had a bath and a nap with wet hair and woke up like this:
Perfect and natural Mohawk
Then Calvin and Gus went out and came home with a bunch of Valentine's gifts for me!!!
Calvin was going to buy red roses but Gus insisted on pink- true story! I love them!!
Little photo shoot happened afterwards:
Went to Stella's grill in Murray with the Pattersons but took a family selfie in the parking lot first:
After dinner we went to the Karaoke cafe with the Pattersons, Smiths and Farrs and had a blast! Pattersons performed their now classic duet of "Barbie Girl" by Aqua! Calvin performed his craziest version of "kiss" by Prince. The crowd went wild! And Gus was such a sweet, good sport! His eyes were glued on the performers while he sat in our laps:) here's a crazy picture to prove it.
The karaoke cafe has some scary local artwork on display:
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