Sunday, August 16, 2009


Well, I just got off the phone with Elizabeth and I have to tell you that she is a friend that actually changes the world, and by the world I am referring specifically to my world but not exclusively to it. After talking with her you feel like prior to your conversation your eyes had been caked with mud and gravel 5 inches thick that you were somehow oblivious to and then her words magically scrape it all off and out of your eyes and then sweeps it into an eye-vac professional.
(I am new to blogging and don't how to imbed a video yet:)

Other good things about today:

-I discovered wiretap on cbc hosted by Jonathon Goldstein. How could I have been so blind? Inspired somewhat by Chuck Klosterman's: "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto", today they discussed the power of banal/absurd hypothetical questions in uniting people.

For example a question like: "If there was a magical VCR that could play all your dreams you've ever had for you to watch in your own living room, would you watch it knowing that the only caveat is, all of your friends and immediate family had to be there to watch them with you?"

A question like that could be a lot less divisive or contentious at a party or family setting than a question about whether someone was a democrat,a george bush sympathiser, a feminist, a misogynist, or what religion they belong to. Yet, these hypothetical questions can be just as revealing about someone's values.

Another example: "If you won a contest and you had to choose between these two prizes, which would you select? The choices are: 1) spend a year in Europe with a monthly stipend of 2000 dollars or 2) spend ten minutes walking on the moon?"

(I would chose Europe without even considering the moon, although it would be special)

and my favourite: "Would you wear spandex cheetah print pants all day every day for nine months if it meant you could determine the outcome of the 2008 presidential election?"

Listening brought me back to my family and circle of friends long tradition of "would you rather questions" such as the famous underbite or sarcastic speech impediment question, the bum backwards, adult mouth chock full of baby teeth, eyebrow that extends from temple to temple and is 1 inch thick, the invisible midget that demands you feed him sauer krout every 45 minutes or the shin kicking begins, the community of centaurs, etc....

-I ate a delicious meal of fresh cole slaw (cabbage, fresh pineapple, walnuts, lemon), a zucchini egg patty concoction and chicken.

-I listened to this song on youtube, it is Sunday afterall:

-I have a life mission, it's been found and the plans are being hatched. That is exciting!!!

Life is pretty good, especially when you have friends like Eliz.

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